Financial Considerations
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Understanding the Cost of CLL Treatment
Feeling concerned about the cost of treating CLL is understandable. Your healthcare team can help you understand the types of costs that are related to your CLL care plan. If you have financial concerns, your healthcare team can also help you explore possible support options.1,2
Factors That Impact the Cost of CLL Treatment
The cost of each person’s CLL care plan is unique. Some initial factors to consider include:
- Type of CLL treatment selected
- Location of CLL treatment (home, doctor’s office, medical center, or a combination of these)
- Insurance coverage
Some Expenses to Consider
Medical costs
Doctor appointments
CLL treatment choice
The length of time needed to complete your treatment.
Whether your treatment is for a defined period or ongoing will likely play a role in your overall medical expenses.
Other recommended medications, including those to help manage side effects from your CLL treatment
Additional costs
Transportation and travel
Family and living expenses
Long-term and supportive care
Caregiving and at-home care
Costs Related to Supportive Care
Supportive care, also called palliative care, is designed to provide comfort and relief from the symptoms of cancer and any side effects of treatment. It is available to anyone with CLL, regardless of their age or stage of illness.2
Supportive care can be used to help provide a better quality of life for people living with CLL—and to support families and caregivers.2
Supportive/Palliative Care Helps to Address2:
- Physical issues such as pain, nausea, and fatigue
- Emotional and spiritual needs
- Practical needs
Supportive/Palliative Care Is:
- Often covered by private health insurance plans
- Sometimes paid for by Medicaid or Medicare
- Sometimes included in long-term care policy benefits

Managing CLL During the COVID-19 Pandemic
As someone living with CLL, know that you are not alone if you feel nervous about the possible impact of COVID-19 on your health. These uncertain times are stressful for many people living with a chronic disease. It’s important to talk to your doctor about your specific CLL condition and how to navigate your disease during this unique time.
Many medical offices have effective practices in place to allow patients to meet with their doctors—whether virtually or in person. These safety measures may help you feel more comfortable if it's time to see your CLL specialist in person.
Take Advantage of Technology
With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth is quickly becoming an important part of maintaining healthcare visits while limiting in-person contact with others.
More and more people are making use of telehealth virtual visits to connect with experts or specialists and keep up with routine doctor appointments. These visits are typically conducted through phone calls or computer video sessions.3
While the use of telehealth is growing, virtual appointments may not be offered by all doctors. For those who do offer them, they may prefer only using virtual appointments for certain types of visits. Talk to your doctor’s office about whether they use virtual visits.
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